淨水池蝙蝠生態區-票價25元(一人購一票,限當梯次參觀)。每梯次參觀時間:10:00-10:15(第1梯次)、11:00-11:15(第2梯次)、14:30-14:45(第3梯次)、15:30-15:45(第4梯次),其餘時間不開放。 考量蝙蝠保育進行管制,每梯次50人:網路預約名額20人,其餘為現場購票/驗證名額。
After walking up nearly 200 steps, tourists can see the building of water purification pond with its European castle-like exterior, a style rarely seen in Taiwan. Protruding from the turf above the building is a field of metal air vents which has become a popular spot for tourists to take photographs and check-in. In 1897, government engineering advisors W.K. Burton and Yashiro Hamano began an investigation into Tainan's water supply and water quality. Construction of the water system began in 1912, and took 10 years to complete. All current equipment and installations were decommissioned in 1982. Due to its location in the water source protection zone, the water course has maintained a rich ecological environment, with large numbers of leaf-nosed bats staying in the clear water pools. Access is prohibited during their mating season, which lasts from April to October every year. Walking past the clear, dark pools, the high walls and pillars towering above, sounds of bats emerging from the darkness; this is a rare experience not to be missed.